
suicide season

Okay..here's the thing. i'm just too bored right now. i've been scrolling form blog to blog trying to get ideas what to wite for new post. then, it came through my mind, how bout an album review??hurmm.. i've always wanna review albums all this time. so fuck yeah.here it goes.
suicide season(downloadable now!)

the album i'm gonna review is the latest album from death not-so-metal band Bring Me The Horizon. the band from Sheffield, uk whom famous with their count you blessings previous album, and also famous for being the golden band of kerrang mag is out with the new album entitled suicide season is a pretty much anticipated but yet disappointing album.for me..hmm.why?here's the reason
  1. The so called death metal band or deathcore doesn't sound like it. they pretty much sounded more towards electronica, hard-not-so-core and not so heavy, with clean voices and not much of deep growls and throats, lack of guitar lead sound, and its pretty much where at some part i labeled the band POPCORE. and they still calling themselves a death metal band.pfft
  2. Oli Sykes still look hot as ever.=P (not a critic, okayy)
  3. its disappointing because this album is produced by Fredrick Nordstrom, which is one of the famous producer in metal music industry with him working with bands such as Dimmu Borgir, Inflames, and much more. so, i expect this album to be more heavy and melodic.
  4. Count your blessings album is way better.
  5. What's the deal with the comedown's video??it sucks.bigtime...about an outcast predator??ugh..
Nevertheless..i should say, this album is worth downloading. dont buy it..well, we are in Malaysia. where the hell are you going to find it. maybe, just maybe around kl. for me, i'll just download it. Oli Sykes is still rich. with his clothing company and all the cheap publicity he made(mate, i threw a bottle of beer filled with my piss to a bitch which is my fan.cause i'm fuckin drunk!).pfft..but he's still hot. i would hangout with him. he's a chick magnet.lol
Bring Me The Horizon

oli sykes(sigh~)
see, told ya he's a chick magnet.lucky guy..huh


and the heavens shall tremble..

Two decades have passed since the demonic lords, Diablo, Mephisto, and Baal, set out across the world of Sanctuary on a vicious rampage, twisting humanity to their unholy will. Yet for those who battled the Prime Evils, the memory fades slowly.
When Deckard Cain returns to the ruins of Tristram Cathedral seeking clues to defeat new stirrings of evil, a fiery harbinger of doom falls from the heavens, striking the very ground where Diablo once entered the world. This fire from the sky reawakens ancient evils and calls the heroes of Sanctuary to defend the mortal world against the rising powers of the Burning Hells once again.
-Diablo |||-

This game is going to be sick.. with 3 classes of heroes, wizards, barbarian, and witch doctor. new undead and beastiery. it would be too much to be anticipated.. also coming soon is starcraft 2.. which i think is going to be sick too. it havent been officially released yet coz the release date has not been confirmed. blizzard said its to early to estimate diablo 3's release date. so, we could just wait or play Diablo 2 over and over again.. or,maybe u could get the pirated one which i think u could get it at any pirated software store in Malaysia coz someone once showed to me the pirated version that he bought. but bcoz of poor graphic support of his laptop, he couldn't install the game.boohoo...poor little R. lol
Anyways, lets just wait for it to be officially released and then download from Ares.here are some latest pics of the game concept...
the wizard( i fancy this one) =P
ohh yeahh


tag, ur it!! ughh

got tag by rick(seman);p..here it goes.

1. Do you think your hot?
when the sun is striking at noon.i sweat like a pig.lol

2. Upload your favorite
picture of yourself.

3. Why do you think you like that picture?

coz i look jambu...wahhh.gitu

4. When was the last time you ate pizza?

i don't eat pizza.i hate pizza..yuck

5. The last song you listen to?

Britney Spears - Womanizer.haha..wtf

6. What ru doin right now beside this?

nothing...i basically doing this.nothing else.

7. What name would you prefer beside yours?

utter sykes..rawwrr

8. Peolpe i tag(yet again)

9. Who is number 1?

My classmate

10. Number 3 is having a relationship with?

Mr. Afiq Sukiman..Mohammad Helmi Datuk Abu Hassan..Faiz(kakul)lmao

11. Say something about number 5?

He is batman

12. How about number 4?

xberapa comel lahh..=P

13. Who is number 2?

tukang cat

nah, amik kau.xcorex


so much for all the excitement

Its been 4 days since i've arrived at home. Well, pretty much everything seems to bore me. And its been raining for days now.huhu... Most of my friends are still studying.pfft...sape suruh xnak masok uitm.lol.. Most of them are still studying at polytech, and other colleges and they're still have a long way to go for finals.. Pretty much what i did all day is online, downloads, sleep, eat,...and thats about it. I'm looking forward for my buddies to come back home cause its going to be crazy around them..hehh. Well...since this is my first post, there's nothing much to say though. Well i did took a few pictures of Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim when he arrived at Sibu Airport last saturday.. I didn't get a close up of him but it should be enough. It was a surprise to see him here.. I was wondering why there is so much people at the arrival hall. So, i thought i'd catwalk all the way.teehee... Then my dad said the PKR leader was here for a visit or maybe for some of his political speeches or whatsoever. No wonder la with all the PKR supporters. I didn't thought it would be the leader who came here. And here are some of the pictures i took.

hey, you can see my reflection.teehee..
so politicore