
so much for all the excitement

Its been 4 days since i've arrived at home. Well, pretty much everything seems to bore me. And its been raining for days now.huhu... Most of my friends are still studying.pfft...sape suruh xnak masok uitm.lol.. Most of them are still studying at polytech, and other colleges and they're still have a long way to go for finals.. Pretty much what i did all day is online, downloads, sleep, eat,...and thats about it. I'm looking forward for my buddies to come back home cause its going to be crazy around them..hehh. Well...since this is my first post, there's nothing much to say though. Well i did took a few pictures of Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim when he arrived at Sibu Airport last saturday.. I didn't get a close up of him but it should be enough. It was a surprise to see him here.. I was wondering why there is so much people at the arrival hall. So, i thought i'd catwalk all the way.teehee... Then my dad said the PKR leader was here for a visit or maybe for some of his political speeches or whatsoever. No wonder la with all the PKR supporters. I didn't thought it would be the leader who came here. And here are some of the pictures i took.

hey, you can see my reflection.teehee..
so politicore


RiRa said...

Sudahlah arthur..propa je..

shmlhzm said...

la... x sangke ko bleh nak tangkap2 gambar gak. haish!

le rénovateur said...

sudah laaa rick seman..

RiRa said...

u've been tag.
sila buat